The Forensic Department, headed by Certified Fraud Examiners Ken Labendeira, Carrie Wiebe, and Lisa Brown, is committed to providing services competently and professionally. You need to know if your suspicions are correct?whether the ambiguities and uncertainties in financial records indicate a problem needing immediate attention. You want professionals that are credible and able to produce results that are defendable under the closest scrutiny. You deserve professionals that understand the big picture and can help you determine the appropriate level of investigation to undertake before incurring large fees for information that may not be relevant to your situation. You will find that the forensic accountants at Moore Grider & Company are creative by working closely with all appropriate parties to identify and resolve forensic matters as cost-effectively as possible. We can perform every facet of an investigation and work with attorneys and law enforcement. Our investigations can assist in obtaining convictions and helping businesses recoup their losses.
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